24 Best SEO Blogs & Online Growth Resources to Follow in 2024

24 Best SEO Blogs & Online Growth Resources to Follow in 2024

Farzad Rashidi

Farzad Rashidi

Lead Innovator at Respona

24 Best SEO Blogs & Online Growth Resources to Follow in 2024

SEO is essential for the online visibility of any business.

However, it is only one piece of the puzzle required to succeed. Getting people to click on your website is one thing, but converting them into customers and keeping them engaged for a long time is another.

In addition to search engine optimization, as a business owner, you need to be knowledgeable about:

  • Marketing through different channels
  • Lead generation, sales, and customer retention
  • How to produce and maintain great content
  • How to invest your resources wisely

Even if you already consider yourself an expert, it’s impossible to keep all of these things in mind. We’re all human, after all.

That’s why we have created this listicle with (what we think are) some of the best SEO blogs and resources providing expert advice on each of these topics.

There, you can learn about the latest developments in each of these fields, or brush up on your own knowledge to stay updated.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

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backlinko homepage

If you’ve heard the term “SEO”, you have probably also heard about Backlinko.

Its owner, Brian Dean is one of the biggest names in the SEO industry, and for a good reason.

While a lot of other blogs can publish guides and tutorials that are based on other people’s content, Brian’s work comes from his own experience.

Before Backlinko, Brian had six different companies – five of which ultimately failed.

Only on his sixth one, he figured out how to work Google’s algorithm, and started Backlinko to share his knowledge with the world.

On Backlinko’s blog, you will find definitive guides on anything: from keyword research to email marketing and every single nook and cranny of SEO, be it on-page, off-page, or technical.

These guides are extremely easy to follow, filled with real-life examples, and broken down into digestible chapters.

Just look at Brian’s Ultimate SEO Tutorial: it has nine whole sections.

backlinko ultimate seo tutorial contents

Besides straight-up guides, Brian often published in-depth case studies, and original research, which is widely regarded as an SEO holy grail by the community.

If you subscribe to Backlinko’s newsletter, you will also gain access to Brian’s subscriber-only content, which is even more awesome than his non-gated content.

For example, the post with a rather intriguing title: 9 SEO Hacks No One Talks About.

backlinko gated content


semrush blog

Semrush is one of the most popular all-in-one SEO tools out there.

It can do pretty much anything: from backlink monitoring to keyword tracking and web vitals audits.

In addition to the tremendously valuable software that is a must-have in any SEO’s technology stack, the team also offers an in-depth blog about all things SEO.

It is split into 7 different categories:

  • SEO
  • Advanced SEO
  • Channels
  • Content
  • Marketing
  • News & Research
  • Semrush

Each category is further divided into smaller subcategories, making it easy to find exactly the type of content you’re looking for.

The Semrush tab is fully dedicated to the tool’s functionality. It’s user interface can be difficult to read and navigate at first, so if you ever have any trouble finding or using a specific feature, you can find detailed insights in this tab.

Neil Patel

neal patel homepage

Neil Patel has found huge success in the SEO world, earning his place in Forbes’ top 10 marketers, securing his business a place in the Entrepreneur Magazine’s top 100 most brilliant companies, and even being recognized as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs by the United Nations.

Few people can boast a list of achievements as extensive as his, and even fewer are ready to share their knowledge and experience in such an accessible manner as Neil.

So, you can be sure that any content that gets published on Neil’s website doesn’t beat around the bush.

Neil’s blog is mostly centered around SEO, but also features content with a different focus, such as:

All in all, Neil’s resource is a gold mine for anyone running an online business.

However, the blog is far from all of the value Neil offers on his site.

You can also book a consultation appointment with the team and gain insights on how you can improve your website from the very best.

neal patel booking

There are tons of courses on virtually any topic that you can sign up for and deepen your knowledge as well.

neal patel courses

Finally, Neil Patel offers an awesome toolkit (both free and paid) that you can use right on his website, including:

  • An SEO analyzer
  • A/B testing calculator
  • Ubersuggest (also available as a Chrome extension)
  • Backlinks checker
  • An AI rewriting tool
  • Website traffic checker
  • An open graph generator

All in all, if you’re looking for anything SEO-related, be it content, a course, or a tool, you can be sure that Neil has it.

Search Engine Journal

sej blog

Search Engine Journal is another one of the biggest SEO blogs that covers every little aspect of running a website

But SEJ isn’t limited to SEO guides – they also cover all types of advertising, social media marketing, Ecommerce, digital trends, and so on.

A major portion of Search Engine Journal’s content are in-depth, step-by-step guides, making it one of the best places online to learn virtually anything SEO, marketing, or advertising-related.

The “Journal” in SEJ isn’t just a fancy word, either, as the team is always on top of news such as new product releases, algorithm updates, etc.

sej news posts

They even host an awesome podcast titled The Search Engine Journal Show that you can listen on the go or while you’re working.

As of the time of writing this article, the show has 288 episodes with founders and thought leaders from different niches.

sej podcast

Additionally, SEJ host frequend webinars, which are a great way to learn in an interactive manner – which is something that isn’t very common among other SEO blogs.

sej webinar

And finally, SEJ offers an entire library of downloadable ebooks. Such an arenal contains everything that you really need to know to thrive in the world of SEO and marketing.

sej books

Influencer Marketing Hub

IMH blog

As the name suggests, Influencer Marketing Hub leans more into social media marketing and selling for agencies and B2C brands.

Their content falls into four main categories:

They can be further filtered down by type (guides, tips, examples, etc.), and platform (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or another).

IMH posts

IMH’s blog is a great source of information for anything social media – related, with guides covering anything from the best times to post on certain platforms to monetization strategies and even something as specific as Snapchat emoji meanings.

However, as is the case with a lot of the resources on this list, the blog is only one part of what makes Influencer Marketing Hub such a useful resource.

IMH also offers a collection of vetted agencies and platforms for social media and influencer marketing, eCommerce, and even software for email marketing.

IMH vetted agencies

So, if you’re not sure which platform or agency to pick for your own influencer/social media marketing, you can find some of the most trustworthy ones on IMH’s list.

In addition, Influencer Marketing Hub provides a number of free tools that will make your life just that little bit easier, including:

  • Instagram Influencer Earnings Calculator
  • TikTok engagement calculator
  • Instagram Fake Follower Checker
  • Instagram Follower Growth Tracker
  • Micro-Influencer vs Celebrity Engagement Calculator
  • YouTube revenue calculator
  • YouTube live subscriber count
  • Image resizer

Finally, IMH offers a plentitude of both free and paid courses, ebooks, infographics, and an influencer newsletter, making it the perfect place to learn and sharpen up your social media skills.


appsumo homepage

AppSumo is an online marketplace that features software deals for 7 different categories:

  • Operations
  • Marketing & sales
  • Build it yourself
  • Media tools
  • Finance
  • Development & IT
  • Customer experience

So, if you’re currently looking for a tool to help you speed up certain business processes, it’s worth checking AppSumo for discounts or even lifetime deals to discover more options and save a bit of money along the way.

There are also a variety of courses hosted on AppSumo, along with website templates, UI kits, icons, images, and tons of other creative resources that might come in handy during the creation process of your website.

appsumo courses

However, AppSumo is more than just a shop.

Their blog is also a great place to pick up new business tips and tricks, marketing advice, and stay updated on the latest software releases.

Of course, there are also countless “top 10” articles about the best tools for a certain purpose, so if you’re struggling to find what you really need in their store, you can narrow down your search to only the best of the best.

appsumo latest posts

Startup Bonsai

startup bonsai homepage

Similar to AppSumo, the main goal of Startup Bonsai is to help you find the best software, platforms and service providers for any of your business needs.

They provide real, not sponsored reviews detailing the factual pros and cons of each item, making it easier to determine whether an application or an agency is the right fit for you.

And by “any business need”, we really mean any – just take a look at Startup Bonsai’s categories:

  • Ecommerce
  • Marketing & sales
  • SEO
  • Social media
  • Startups
  • Technology
  • Websites

Once you visit their blog, you will notice that the posts aren’t only about comparing products, platforms, and services.

You will also find countless round-ups featuring important statistics from different niches, allowing you to gain greater insight into your market and make more informed business decisions along the way.

startup bonsai statistics

Besides plenty of reviews and stat roundups, Startup Bonsai also has a free suite of business and marketing calculators, available for all visitors.

startup bonsai calculators

Directive Consulting

directive consulting homepage

Directive Consulting is mainly a performance marketing agency for SaaS clients offering SEO, paid media, design, RevOps, video, and customer-led strategy services.

With years of experience and countless clients that have been able to secure funding, reach IPO, or get acquired, Directive Consulting are extremely knowledgeable about what they do.

And they’re ready to share that knowledge with you on their blog, at absolutely zero cost.

While being most useful for SaaS companies, the tips they share will be applicable to any business that’s trying to get some online traction.

It covers an extremely diverse range of topics:

  • Agency life
  • B2B
  • Branding
  • Content
  • Content Marketing
  • CRO
  • Demand Generation
  • Email marketing
  • Events
  • Guides
  • Inbound marketing
  • Insights
  • Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Marketing mavericks
  • Media & press
  • News
  • Perspectives
  • Podcast
  • PPC
  • RevOps
  • Sales
  • SEO
  • Social media
  • Tech
  • Tools
  • Videos
directive consulting blog

This is very impressive for an agency website whose main goal is to, well, generate clients for Directive Consulting and not necessarily be a super in-depth informative resources.

But the team went the extra mile either way, and their blog is one of the best places to learn from experience.

Matthew Woodward

matthew woodward homepage

Matthew Woodward isn’t nearly as known of a name as, say, Neil Patel, or Brian Dean, but that doesn’t mean what he has to say is any less valuable .

Matthew started making websites before the Internet was even a big deal and companies realized there’s money to made online.

So, naturally, he had a great head-start when businesses started to present themselves online, allowing him to get a jump start on the corporate ladder, and help his company to secure  £60,000 worth of daily sales with zero budget.

Oh yeah – and the guy was 15 years old at that time.

He has since left that job to pursue his passion – which is making websites and figuring out how to make money off them.

So Matthew definitely knows a thing or two about website marketing and SEO, which makes his blog an absolute gold mine when it comes to both experienced and rookie website owners/SEOs.

matthew woodward training

He covers literally everything in his step-by-step guides, from the basics of SEO to in-depth guides on keyword optimization, on and off-page SEO, eCommerce, Google penalties and updates, reporting/metrics, and even SEO tool reviews.

And the best thing about it is that it’s all free.

Rock Content

rock content homepage

Rock Content is a Brazilian content agency with a bit of a twist.

Upon the company’s inception, its founders agreen on one rule: Rock Content has to eat its own dogfood, or apply the same content marketing strategies and principles they were selling to clients.

And if in 6 months, the agency didn’t have 100 clients, it would shut down. They smashed their goal in only 5 month – and are still going full speed, 9 years later.

So, besides just being a great content agency, their blog is also a great source of insight on not just content marketing, but also other topics, including sales, tech, and marketing.

rock content posts

The team also hosts countless webinars and ebooks, and runs what they call a Rock University, allowing you to develop crucial skills and even gain certifications.

They even have a Jam Sessions podcast available on Spotify, featuring interviews with countless thought leaders, making it an awesome place to learn from actual humans and not just blocks of text on a screen.

rock content podcast

Outreach Monks

outreach monks homepage

Outreach Monks is another agency that earned their spot on our list because of their approach to what they do.

Instead of branching out and offering tons of different types of services of mediocre quality, Outreach Monks decided to focus on just one thing, and do it well. This thing is link building.

This makes the link building category of their blog the most in-depth, since all of their advice and research comes from own experience rather than from regurgitating other people’s content.

outreach monks posts

They also cover some of the more obscure link building topics, such as trust flow checks, PBN backlinks, link farms, tiered link building and so on.


reliablesoft homepage

Reliablesoft is a company that has been providing SEO and digital marketing courses for 20 years at this point.

These courses are paid, but with so much experience behind their shoulders, you can be sure that they are well worth the investment.

However, if you’re just looking for free content, Reliablesoft also has a full-on blog, dedicated to SEO, eCommerce, social media, digital marketing, Pay-Per-Click advertising, and blogging.

Also, the company has been a Google Partner since 2014. That single fact increases the value of all their content tenfold.

reliablesoft posts

This Google certification also ensures that any of their SEO/digital marketing/PPC services are up to standard, and you can be sure that no shady or black-hat tactics will be employed if you decide to hire Reliablesoft to help you out.

Having launched all the way back in 2002, Reliablesoft has witnessed Google’s development first-hand, from its early stages through its countless algorithm updates, making them the SEO powerhouse that they are today.

Don’t be misled by Reliablesoft website’s rather simplistic design – if you take the time to go through their content, it will be instantly apparent that it all comes from personal experience.


agency analytics homepage

AgencyAnalytics is the only automated client reporting software built specifically for marketing agencies, with a strong focus on SEO tools.

Their tool is built specifically for you to collect, visualize, and make sense of your client’s data from any source, from social media, to PPC, email, SEO and more.

This includes an SEO reporting tool with a rank tracker, backlink monitor, and site auditor – each fully automated.

Drag and drop data from over 70 different platforms, such as Ahrefs, Amazon, Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and so on right into live marketing dashboards that update in real-time. Making client reports are done in a few clicks, and you can schedule them to send out to automate your client reporting process

Tracking and reporting your progress at scale is an essential part of growing client websites, which is why AgencyAnalytics has earned a spot on our list.

Their blog covers just about every aspect of running an agency and successfully executing client campaigns, including the following topic categories:

  • Agency profiles
  • Agency advice
  • News
  • SEO
  • PPC
  • Social
  • eCommerce
  • Analytics
  • Call tracking
  • Email
  • Local
  • Reviews

Agency Analytics has been in the market since 2010, so if you’re looking for some inspiration to grow your own agency, their blog is a great source of advice.


plerdy homepage

Plerdy is a team of certified Google Analytics and Google Ads experts whose main goal is to help you improve your website’s conversion rates.

Their resource will be useful for virtually anyone who runs a website or an online store.

Their awesome products include a range of CRO/UX tools, eCommerce analytics, event tracking and funnel analysis, and even SEO monitoring tools.

However, you do not need to be a paying customer for Plerdy to help you.

Their blog is home to some amazing guides on user experience, eCommerce, SEO, digital marketing, and more.

Plerdy also wrote a number of immensely helpful ebooks that are available for all visitors for free.

plerdy ebooks

Plerdy also offers something we haven’t seen on anyone else’s website before.

For example, take a look at their website usability checklist with 210 points. Each of these points is also expandable and provides actionable advice about how to improve your website.

plerdy website usability checklist

Next, you have the “Fears of an SEO specialist” page.

Similar to the usability checklist, it highlights dozens of common SEO mistakes that, well, are dreaded by SEO specialists.

plerdy mobile version checklist

Even if you’re satisfied with your current website design and search engine optimization, you may be able to uncover some points to improve on after going through these checklists.

Plerdy also offers 18 free tools, mostly calculators, to help you quickly estimate your ad costs, social media revenue, or other common metrics.

plerdy calculators

Finally, we want to give special credit to plerdy for making this UX game:

plerdy UX game

It’s a hyperbolization of every single aspect that makes a website unintuitive, with a simple goal – fill out a number of common form, such as registration.

While on the surface, it may seem like its purpose is to purely entertain visitors, by the time you finish it, you will have a much better understanding on how to design good UI.

The Power Business School

the power business school homepage

The Power Business School is an online education platform with over 90,000 students worldwide.

They offer four paid, cream-of-the-crop programs:

  • PowerSales
  • ThePowerMBA
  • ThePowerMBA Advanced
  • Digital Marketing

These courses are expensive – $999 each, but the potential revenue from what you learn during them is exponentially higher.

There are also three free, short trainings available to everybody.

the power business school free classes

But The Power Business School’s website isn’t limited to full-on courses and trainings.

Their blog is also regularly updated with top-notch articles covering the different aspects of running a business, online marketing, and, of course, SEO.

the power business school posts

A lot of this information comes straight from The Power Business School’s courses – making it an invaluable resource to learn SEO.


saleshandy homepage

Saleshandy is a cold email outreach software, similar to Respona.

While we are more focused on link building outreach, as you might have guessed by the name, Saleshandy leans more towards lead generation and sales through email.

While some may claim that cold email sales are obsolete in 2024, the Saleshandy team strongly disagrees.

However, to be successful with it, you cold email sales requires a very careful, personal approach.

If you’re not satisfied with your current cold sales results, Saleshandy’s blog is a great place to get inspiration from, and learn tips, tricks, and techniques from people who do it for a living.

saleshandy posts
salesblink homepage

A lot like SalesHandy, SalesBlink is a cold sales automation tool.

However, this isn’t the reason why their website is on our list. We have put it here for two reasons – their blog, and the awesome free toolset that the team provides.

As you may have guessed, the blog mainly targets sales outreach, cold calling, lead generation, LinkedinIn, and marketing.

According to SalesBlink, there have been 100000+ deals closed with their aid, so you can be sure that the advice shared on their blog comes directly from experience.

salesblink blog

If you scroll down to the website’s footer, you will find the free toolset, including:

  • A free blog post generator
  • Online video converter
  • No-code email editor
  • Email permutator
  • Sales commission calculator
  • Subject line generator

That’s right – SalesBlink has a full-blown AI blog post generator available for free.

And you don’t even need much manual input to operate it – simply type in your title, and the software will generate your post for you.


cliently home

Cliently is an AI-driven tool for generating leads, converting them into sales, and tracking each step of the process in an intuitive interface.

Even the most perfectly SEO-optimized website will not turn a profit for your business without a solid system to generate a steady stream of sales – and the Cliently team knows this better than anyone.

On their blog, you will find guides, tips and tricks, strategies on every step of the sales process: from formulating your sales pitch to generating leads and upselling existing customers.

cliently blog

The team has also published several full-length whitepapers on reducing churn, maximizing revenue, and lead scoring.

cliently whitepaper

The Agency Guide

the agency guide homepage

Succeeding online is next to impossible all by yourself. You need a network of partners.

The goal of The Agency Guide is to help brands find better marketing partners, increase their return on investment, and invest into smarter strategies.

In terms of services they provide, TAG is a consulting agency.

As for their blog, it covers a range of topics:

  • Branding
  • Content marketing
  • Marketing strategy
  • SEO
the agency guide blog

Why should you care?

Because all of their content is produced in-house, by team members with extensive experience in SEO, content marketing, PR, growth planning, capital strategy, branding, web development, social media – you name it.

Blogging Wizard

blogging wizard homepage

Run by Adam Connell, Blogging Wizard has become one of the most popular resources for content creators, bloggers, and business owners around the world.

You may not have heard about Adam Connell before – so we’ll make a little introduction to explain why Blogging Wizard deserves a spot on this list.

He built his first website at the age of only 12, and has since earned a spot in the top 50 content marketers lists by BuzzSumo and Semrush.

Back when Adam was managing a marketing agency, he launched a new service and was able to grow it to £30K/month by spending a few days each month writing blog posts and contributing to industry publications.

So, if you want to replicate Adam’s success with your blog, be sure to visit Blogging Wizard.

There are plenty of tutorials, tactics, and strategies published there—all written by Adam and other experienced bloggers and content creators.

This makes all of the content on Blogging Wizard exceptionally valuable for anybody looking to strengthen their blogging game.

Email Analytics

email analytics homepage

Email Analytics is a software aimed to better understand their employee’s email activity, improve response time and overall productivity.

As you can imagine, their blog is dedicated to all things email as well.

And since email is a crucial part of pretty much any aspect of business growth, be it sales, marketing, and even SEO, it’s easy to get lost in hundreds of threads and lose productivity as a result.

If you ever feel like you’re not getting the results you expected out of your outreach or your employees, Email Analytics’ blog is a great place to learn.

email analytics blog

Blue Tree

blue tree homepage

Blue Tree is an agency that specializes in link building and content marketing, but also provides additional services such as B2B SEO, blogger outreach, guest posting, and more.

Blue Tree has been active since 2016 and helped grow over a dozen companies organically.

The reason why they’re on this list is because their blog breaks down link building and public relations into short, easy-to-understand, actionable articles, perfect for quick learning.


gmass homepage

GMass is a comprehensive email solution aimed to increase your open and reply rates and maximize your outreach efficiency.

Their blog doesn’t stick to just link building or sales, and instead covers just about any topic, relevant to emails.

This ranges from email software comparisons and deliverability guides to online wedding invitation guides and tips on emailing a professor.

This sets GMass apart from other email-focused blogs, making it one of the best sources of advice on anything email – marketing or otherwise.


smash.vc homepage

Smash.vc is an agency that specializes in helping startups receive funding or sell stakes.

This is a part of business that doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as marketing and SEO, but is an essential part of growth.

Their weekly newsletter features the best startup, investing, digital asset, bootstrapping and entrepreneur stories – which is a great source of inspiration and advice for running your own company.

smash.vc newsletter
Link building cheat sheet

Link building cheat sheet

Gain access to the 3-step strategy we use to earn over 86 high-quality backlinks each month.

Download for free

Now Over To You

These are our favorite SEO blogs, marketing, sales, and email outreach resources.

Doing SEO on your own can seem extremely daunting, even with the amount of information and advice readily available on the internet.

This especially applies to link building – which is arguably the most time-consuming SEO task of them all.

This is why we created Respona – feel free to register for your 7-day free trial if you’re struggling to generate high-quality backlinks on your own.

Farzad Rashidi

Article by

Farzad Rashidi

Farzad Rashidi is the lead innovator at Respona, the all-in-one digital PR and link-building software that combines personalization with productivity. He also runs the marketing efforts at Visme, where he helped the company gain over 12 million active users and pass 2M monthly organic traffic.

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