How to Get GOV Backlinks and Their Real Value

How to Get GOV Backlinks and Their Real Value

Farzad Rashidi

Farzad Rashidi

Lead Innovator at Respona

How to Get GOV Backlinks and Their Real Value

Similar to edu backlink building, gov backlinks hold a certain mystique in the SEO community. 

The perception is that because they originate from government websites, they carry exceptional weight. 

They’re also known for being tough to acquire. 

But does the reality match the hype?

 Let’s explore.

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Simply put, gov backlinks are links that point to you from a government website. This includes websites of federal, state, and local government bodies.

There is a belief in the SEO community that authority of a gov domain is more significant than that of “regular” sites. 

This stems from their association with established governmental institutions. 

Google loves older, well-established sites, and gov domains often fit this description. 

This leads to the assumption that links from these sources are exceptionally beneficial for SEO.

gov backlink examplee

However, access to gov domains is strictly limited to official government entities, making getting backlinks from them very challenging. 

The belief in the power of government backlinks is based on the notion that they transmit a substantial amount of trust and authority from the government source to the linked website, more so than links from other types of sites.

While theoretically appealing, the actual value of a gov backlink isn’t always clear-cut. 

Many factors contribute to a high quality backlink strength beyond just its origin.


The linked content must have a clear connection to the page it’s linked from. 

A link from a government agency focused on agriculture to a fashion retailer, for instance, would be less effective than a link to a resource about sustainable farming practices. 

It’s also important to consider the target audience of the gov site. 

Since it usually consists of locals, trying to push your landing or pricing pages may not be relevant at all. 

Anchor Text

The clickable text of the link should be concise, informative, and give users an idea of what to expect on the destination page. 

good anchor text example

Well-chosen anchor text helps search engines understand the context of the link – and even rank the page based on the keywords used in the link.

“Dofollow” links are generally seen as more valuable for SEO because they pass on link equity

A healthy mix of both “dofollow” and “nofollow” links is still important for a natural-looking backlink profile. 

nofollow link example

Essentially, gov backlinks can be very helpful if acquired strategically. 

But if your goal is to simply use their domain and page authority in order to manipulate search ranking, you’re unlikely to succeed. 

GOV Resource Pages

Many government websites have sections dedicated to providing resources for the public. 

Getting your website listed on a relevant resource page can be a valuable way to earn a government backlink. 

This is especially effective if your business or organization offers a service or information that directly benefits the public or aligns with a government agency’s mission.

Let’s break down how to get these links with Respona. 

Log in, and choose the “Resource pages” template. 

respona resource page campaign template

You’ll then need to provide some basic information: the URL of the content you’re promoting (like a helpful guide or a page on your site), relevant keywords that government agencies might use (such as “small business grants” or “cybersecurity training”), a brief summary of your resource, and optionally, any incentives you can offer in return for a link.

The next step is to prepare your email sequence. 

Respona offers email templates you can customize. 

We recommend using AI-powered icebreakers. 

These add personalized bits to your emails, based on the target website’s content. . 

This makes your outreach feel much more personal than a generic email.

respona email sequence builder

Then comes the task of finding the actual opportunities. 

Respona automates this by searching for relevant government website resource pages based on the keywords you entered. 

It uses search operators like inurl:resources to specifically target these pages. 

respona search engine

You can preview the search results and even filter them by SEO metrics like high domain authority to ensure you’re prioritizing high-quality sites.

Respona also offers some advanced settings to further refine your outreach. 

Its built-in email finder helps you locate contact information for the right people at government agencies, completely on auto-pilot. 

You can also provide instructions for the AI personalization feature to make sure the emails match your writing style. 

respona email finder, ai personalization and recurring search settings

And the “recurring search” option lets Respona keep looking for new opportunities and add them to your campaign automatically.

Meaning, all you have to do is periodically log in and launch them – no need to keep creating new campaigns. 

The last step is to give your emails a final review before launching. 

Even though Respona automates a lot, some manual input can improve your chances of getting a reply. 

respona review and launch

Respona also does its own checks for unfilled variables, recent contacts, or duplicates to prevent sending repetitive or irrelevant emails. 

Once you’re satisfied, you can launch your campaign, and Respona will send out your personalized emails according to the schedule you set.

Interview a Government Official

Similar to the .edu strategy, collaborating with government officials or experts can lead to backlinks. 

Offering interviews, contributing to publications, or partnering on projects can create opportunities for natural links. 

This approach is particularly effective if you have expertise or data that aligns with a government agency’s priorities.

government official interview example
Image source: Independent Institute

The next crucial step is offering value. 

Don’t simply ask for a link; instead, propose a mutually beneficial collaboration. 

Some effective ways to offer value include: 

  • Conducting an interview for your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel; 
  • Offering to write a guest post for their website or a government publication; 
  • Proposing a joint research project or white paper; 
  • Offering to host a presentation or webinar for their audience.


While less common and often more complex, securing a sponsorship or partnership with a government agency can be a highly effective way to earn gov backlinks. 

This typically involves aligning your organization or business with a specific government initiative or program.

To explore this avenue, you first need to research government programs and initiatives that align with your mission and values. 

Look for opportunities where your organization can contribute meaningfully. 

This could involve supporting a public awareness campaign, sponsoring a community event, or partnering on a research project.

The government agency may list your organization as a sponsor or partner on their website, often with a link back to your site. 

They might also feature your contribution in press releases, news articles, or reports published on their website, again providing opportunities for backlinks.

Link building cheat sheet

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Now Over to You

In conclusion, gov links are extremely hard to get – and the benefits don’t always outweigh the effort you have to go through to get them.

Instead, you should focus on getting high quality backlinks from other authoritative websites in your niche – regardless of domain extension.

Need help? 

Don’t hesitate to start your 14-day free trial with Respona to see how we can help.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

While highly regarded, their value depends on relevance. 

Quality links from other trusted sources can be equally beneficial – if not more.

Buying gov links is extremely difficult and highly discouraged. It’s likely impossible and could lead to penalties.

How do I find gov websites to target? 

Use search engine operators like “site:gov [your keyword]” to discover relevant government sites.

Nofollow links still have value by driving referral traffic.

No. A balanced backlink profile with diverse, high-quality links is more effective for SEO.

Farzad Rashidi

Article by

Farzad Rashidi

Farzad Rashidi is the lead innovator at Respona, the all-in-one digital PR and link-building software that combines personalization with productivity. He also runs the marketing efforts at Visme, where he helped the company gain over 12 million active users and pass 2M monthly organic traffic.

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