Link building

Unlinked mentions

Earn links from websites that have already mentioned your organization or brand in plain text.

Unlinked mentions


Unlinked Mentions is probably the single highest-converting link building strategy out of them all.

It is very straightforward: you find websites that have already mentioned you but didn’t attach a link to your brand name.

Then, you will be reaching out to them and asking to turn that mention into a backlink, offering some value from your side as well (social share, free subscription to your tool, etc.).


  1. Enter your domain and company name in the first two fields.
  2. Enter your target niche(s) into the last field.
respona unlinked mentions campaign template

Click “Use this template”.

In the campaign editor, click “Continue” and set additional SEO metrics if needed.

setting additional seo filters

Review the automation results after it’s done.



Subject: Thanks for mentioning {organization}

Hi [name],

Wanted to thank you for mentioning [organization] on your page

Just a quick favor:

I’m wondering if you could make the mention clickable to [domain] in case the readers would like to learn more?

Please let me know once it’s adjusted, and I’ll share the page on our social channels.

Thanks again for the shoutout!



Subject: Thanks for mentioning Respona

Hi John,

Wanted to thank you for mentioning Respona on your page

Just a quick favor:

I’m wondering if you could make the mention clickable to in case the readers would like to learn more?

Please let me know once it’s adjusted, and I’ll share the page on our social channels.

Thanks again for the shoutout!

Vlad Orlov